🦊Metamask Setup

Dowloading and Installing

MetaMask can be downloaded as a browser extension on any compatible browser. Just go to https://metamask.io/download/ and select the browser you are using. It is also possible to install it on IOS and Android.

Creating Account

The different steps to take to create an account are the following:

  1. Click on the "Create a Wallet" button

  2. Create a password. This will be used when logging in to MetaMask in the same browser.

  3. View your secret seed phrase and write it down on a secure location.

  4. Select each phrase in order and click "Confirm".

Your seed phrase will be used if you want to import your wallet to a fresh MetaMask install on a different browser and/or device.

Nerver share your phrase or your password as someone could hack you.

Connection to Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Once the account is created, we will be automatically connected to the Ethereum Mainnet. Bricklayer token (BRK) requires us to be connected to the Binance Smart Chain.

Different Steps:

  1. Go to the settings by pressing the circle on the top right.

2. Click on "Networks" and "Add Network".

3. Input the following information.

  • Network Name : Smart Chain ;

  • New RPC URL : https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/ ;

  • ChainID : 56 ;

  • Symbol : BNB ;

  • Block Explorer URL : https://bscscan.com.

4. Click “save” and return to the main menu.

5. Verify that your MetaMask has been set to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in the upper right- hand side of the screen.

Last updated